Tag Archives: Spreadsheet

Weboost Effectiveness by Location

Scroll to the right to see effectiveness in colors. Green – better after boosting, Red – worse after boosting.

Test device: weBoost Drive Reach Overland.

Link to the Google Sheet for a better view

In summary,

  1. Upload speeds usually increase, not necessarily for download. Stability usually increases but won’t affect user experience for video streaming.
  2. You can never rely on it to hope it will work at the location you are heading.
  3. When there’s really no signal, there’s nothing you can do.
  4. When you just left somewhere that has one bar and enter no signal zone, boosting usually help.
  5. Boosting sometimes make it worse for some reason, you need to test it.

For any feedback, or if you’d like to contribute. Please leave a comment or email to el@tll.tl