I blogged these stuffs since 2008, when I was 12. Everything before 2016 was written in Mandarin. Contents after that are more in English. You can change the language by clicking at the button at the left panel. I tried to translate featured articles to English, in abstract only, see Featured Articles Abstract .
There are two main categories in this blog, academic or geek. Also, stuff before 2016 are all academic. Academic articles are not published journals but just more like my thoughts, on all kind of stuffs.
Broadly speaking, I’ve studied psychology and philosophy by myself since I was young (like 12 years old). In terms of focus of formal education, basically, biology for junior high school; physics in high school; psyhcology as undergrad major; statistics in graduate school. Besides those, I study everything that I’m interested of in my spare time.
I’m not sure but I will probably prioritize things that related to data science first. I will do more academic stuffs, literature reviews when I have time. At least I still have a super long list that is definitely across all subjects.